Back Pack

Back Pack

Back Pack

Do you suffer from hair growth on your back, neck and shoulders? Then the Back Pack is the solution for you. Shaving your back is quite difficult and constantly asking your boyfriend, girlfriend or one of your parents is another such thing. At The Wax Bar, we wax all your hair and you don't have to pay any attention to it yourself. We ensure that you receive a professional wax treatment and afterwards, you have a nice smooth and fresh result.

What is a Back Pack?

With a Back Pack, we wax your back from above the buttocks to the neck and shoulders to the bottom of the sleeves of your t-shirt. So we wax the entire back of your t-shirt. The Back Pack is one of our most booked treatments and is therefore also in our top 5. The Back Pack is every man's favourite treatment. And by booking this treatment as packages and not as individual treatments, you also benefit from an advantage.

Why a Back Pack?

After a wax treatment, your hair stays away for about two weeks and grows back thinner and softer. After four to six weeks you can reschedule the Back Pack. A package of treatments can be pleasant for you, because unlike shaving and waxing your body, you will suffer much less from red bumps and irritated skin. After a treatment, take good care of your body with our care products, such as an Aleppo Cube or Post Wax Spray and enjoy an optimal wax result.